3D scan the worlds largest ship propellers with T-SCAN hawk
Are you ready for some quality control of the largest ship propellers worldwide? MMG makes 3D metrology in heavy metal casting tangible.
Are you ready for some quality control of the largest ship propellers worldwide? MMG makes 3D metrology in heavy metal casting tangible.
三维扫描不仅有助于飞机的MRO(维护、维修及检修)。同时,SST Flugtechnik公司还可依据扫描数据阐述不同的设计理念。因此,T-SCAN hawk是扫描飞机复杂几何形状的理想之选
补偿塑料零件的翘曲和收缩几乎已成为可能。借助GOM Inspect Pro的De-Warp软件包,可以在无任何机械夹具的情况下组装零件。点击此处,观看Toon向您展示此软件包的优势和功能!
The ZEISS On Your Campus Truck is currently traveling through Germany again, stopping in 16 different cities. We give you exclusive insights into the event here. You even still got the chance to register and experience first hand.
The digitizing of the blanks can be done by our 3D scanning solution. In this example we use the ATOS Scanner for a fast and save operation.
One-Minute Insights are here to make your 3D scanning life easier. In short videos we present useful hacks for your everyday inspection business.
Let us give you a quick overview of the newest One Minute Insights – helping you to enhance 3D scanning and inspection with a few little tricks.
Stepping up the inspection game when using ATOS Q is easy with GOM Inspect Pro Line. The software extension offers helpful features for an even more accurate inspection and evaluation.