Category: Allgemein

从ZEISS Comet L3D2到先进的三维扫描解决方案

ZEISS Comet L3D2是蔡司推出的入门级光学计量解决方案。此后,我们一直在开发搭载创新技术和功能的新型三维扫描仪,作为已停产的ZEISS Comet扫描仪的合适替代品。请阅读本文,了解有关扫描仪发展的更多信息。

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Reverse Engineering 3D Inspection

Renewal of historic race cars with T-SCAN hawk

In the vintage race car community, everyone knows him, even if he doesn’t like to put himself out there. He is the man to see when it comes to making new from old: Mr. Friedrich Burgstaller, managing director of FB Prototypen GmbH. For more than 30 years he has been pursuing his absolute passion: Rebuilding historic racing and sports cars.
Our partner WESTCAM in Austria met him for an interview and asked him about his work and the “project powered by WESTCAM”.

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