Control trade show is known to be one of the most comprehensive events in quality assurance. Manufacturers, suppliers, engineers, and professionals gather to explore the latest metrology solutions and find out more about the perfect 3D solutions for their individual quality control tasks.
Our mission was to inspire and inform you as our customers about the world of 3D scanning. The result: A booth full of hard and software demos as well as exciting expert talks.
We truly mastered quality together, but see for yourself!
Our highlights of the 4-day trade show at a glance
The entire workflow: From scan to CAD
All our solutions go hand in hand when it comes to efficient quality control. Combining our highly precise scanners with the software solutions allow to undergo the entire reverse engineering workflow – from scan to CAD.
At the booth, you got to see the GOM Scan1, ATOS Q and T-SCAN hawk as well as the ZEISS Reverse Engineering and GOM Inspect software.
BreakOut Sessions
We know: 3D metrology can be as individual as your inspection tasks. Therefore we hosted BreakOut Sessions in which we dove deep into specific scanning challenges. This gave us the opportunity to exchange ideas with you intensively and to assist you in finding the perfect solution.
New #HandsOnMetrology content
At Control you moreover were the first to see the latest #HandsOnMetrology content. We presented an all new Maker Story of our customer Precupa and launched the video podcast Geek Talk.

Want to know more about the new format Geek Talk? Just click the button!
The whole #HandsOnMetrology Team says thank you to every visitor of our booth who filled the days with 3D metrology knowledge.