Known as the Shenzhen International Industrial Manufacturing Technology and Equipment Exhibition (ITES), has become one of the largest industrial exhibitions in the world, focusing on the high-end equipment industry cluster and advanced manufacturing technology industry cluster, serving as a displaying and communication platform for industries like advanced equipment, precision manufacturing, robotics, and industrial control technology for specialized automation equipment.
26.03.2025 - 29.03.2025
Shenzhen, CHN, Asia Pacific
Shenzhen, CHN, Asia Pacific

中国(深圳)国际机械制造工业展 (SIMM) Known as the Shenzhen International Industrial Manufacturing Technology and Equipment Exhibition (ITES), has become one of the largest industrial exhibitions in the world, focusing on the high-end equipment industry cluster and advanced manufacturing technology industry cluster, serving as a displaying and communication platform for industries like advanced equipment, precision manufacturing, robotics, and industrial control technology for specialized automation equipment.了解更多CIMT2025-中国国际机床展 中国国际机床展览会(CIMT)自1989年创办以来,每逢单年举办一届,至今已成功举办18届。CIMT是中国知名度最高、规模最大、影响力最广的机床专业展览会;是被国际业界公认的与欧洲EMO、美国IMTS、日本JIMTOF齐名,不可错过的四大国际机床名展之一了解更多CIBF电池展 China International Battery Fair (CIBF) is an international meeting and the biggest exhibition activity on battery industry, which is sponsored by China Industrial Association of Power Sources. It includes all kinds of activities, such as exhibition, technical seminar, information meeting, trade fair, etc.了解更多